Labour Law

Our labour law lawyers are experts in the many disciplines of labour law.

For instance, in labour law it is important to have proper written records of the rights and duties of the parties. This applies to the employment contracts, but also to specific regulations and protocols. Examples of this are regulations regarding the use of email and the internet, sexual harassment, discrimination and aggression, reporting and audit requirements during sickness and the use of operating assets. We draw up the contracts, regulations and protocols according to the latest developments in case law and legislation.

We also have extensive experience in capturing competition, relationship and confidentiality clauses and we gladly help you with disturbed employment relationships and disfunctioning. We offer guidance in dealing with this, whereby we try to create a workable situation in which the parties continue to work together. But we are also there for parties who do not succeed to continue to work together and where the circumstances must lead to dismissal proceedings.

In addition, our lawyers provide advice and assistance in (collective) reorganizations whereby employees must be made redundant. We offer support, not only in dismissal proceedings themselves, but also in the application for collective dismissal and consultations with the works council or trade unions.

We also give advice in the event of occupational disability, inability to work on the part of employees and the (financial) consequences. We keep abreast of the latest developments in the field of reintegration obligations of employers and employees.

Finally, we can advise you about the rights and obligations of employers and works councils in the event of decisions for which advice or consent must be sought and in regard to social security law, such as the Unemployment Insurance Act, the Sickness Benefits Act and the Work and Income (capacity for Work) Act.

Want to know more about Labour Law?

Wietze Kastelein will tell you everything about it.

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