Hans Koenders

After I completed the course in Property Brokerage at Hanzehogeschool in 1998, I successfully completed the abridged training in Dutch law (business law) in2002. Inthat same year I was sworn in as a lawyer and started to focus on various legal issues with regard to property, such as buying and selling property, tenancy law and planning and zoning law. In 2007, I completed the specialized course in Tenancy Law of the Vereniging van Huurrecht Advocaten (Tenancy Law Lawyers’ Association). I have worked for Dorhout Advocaten since 2008 and became a partner in 2010. Recently I have written the book Kernzaken Burgerlijk Recht – huurrecht  (Core issues in Civil Law – tenancy law) and successfully completed the assessment of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, which earned me the title of MRICS.

In the past few years, in addition to the property practice, I have started to focus more on Energy law. This is an area that is closely connected with property, for example in the context of sustainability.

The interesting thing about working in energy law is that it is developing rapidly and the North of the Netherlands is a kind of testing ground for many developments that may be of national and international importance. As a law firm, we facilitate the PhD research Changing Energy Market, risks and liabilities of the University of Groningen. In addition, I am participating in extensive research in the field of energy of the Hanzehogeschool, called Flexinet.

Specialist training

  • Specialist knowledge about real estate acquired through Royal Institution or Chartered Surveyors (RICS).

Additional activities

  • lid Raad van Commissarissen Woningcorporatie De Volmacht te Gieten
  • lid Werkveldadviescommissie (WAC) Hanzehogeschool Groningen, opleiding Vastgoed en Makelaardij
  • plaatsvervangend lid College van Afgevaardigden NOvA
  • lid Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
  • annotator tijdschrift Rechtspraak Vastgoedrecht
  • gastdocent Hanzehogeschool, opleiding Vastgoed en Makelaardij (vastgoed en ethiek)
  • lid Nederlandse Vereniging van Energierecht
  • member of the Supervisory Board of De Volmacht housing corporation in Gieten

  • member Work Field Advisory Committee (WAC) Hanzehogeschool Groningen, real estate and brokerage course deputy

  • member of the NOvA Board of Delegates

  • member Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)

  • annotator magazine Rechtspraak Vastgoedrecht

  • guest teacher Hanzehogeschool, real estate and brokerage course (real estate and ethics) member of the Dutch Association of Energy Law


  • Energy law
  • Property law